Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dude did anyone watch that jazz game last night that was so frustrating, man i hate the lakers so bad. If anyone else hates the lakers too let me know maybe we can start a club called the he man lakers haters club, or something like that. Also if you have any good club names let me know.


  1. How about KOBE SUCKS? Haha :) I feel the same way! No matter who the Lakers are playing I always want them to lose---did you hear what Kobe said after the game about the foul on him in the last few minutes? What a baby!!

  2. yeah that guys has some freaking issues he has to work out i really hate kobe a rapist and a freaking cry baby

  3. My hubby and I BOTH hate the Lakers! They are so arrogant, fake and just RUDE people!

    I think KOBE SUCKS is pretty accurate! Ha ha!

    Whit I have been waiting for na update on the baby! How are things going? Any answers yet?

  4. I want to get a license plate that says LKRH8R...the Lakers are definitely easy to hate!

  5. That had to be Scott^^


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