Saturday, March 7, 2009

yatta, yatta, yatta

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Today I went to work and then came home an hour later.  I was sitting there and I started getting a terrible headache, then I started getting dizzy, then everything started going black and I almost passed out.  So Allen came and picked me up.  I was sure glad I didn't fall to the floor during work.  I keep drinking a lot of water and juice to keep me hydrated!  

I officially no longer have T-Mobile and have switched to Verizon.  Allen and I are on a family plan together and we got an AMAZING deal so I am pretty excited.  We will be saving about $50 a month now just in our cell phone bill.  The thing that sucks is that my whole family have T-Mobile so now I will have to talk to them less or call at night when I have free minutes.  My whole life I have always just gotten the free phones that are a piece of junk.  I never wanted to spend money on a nice phone.  Well I was planning on getting a free phone again but Allen convinced me to get a nice phone.  I was going to get this LG phone that was supposed to be for free that turned out not to be.  Allen said that he wanted me to pick a phone that will last and to get it and that it will be my birthday present.  So after looking at the phones I totally fell in love with this one:
It was normally about $200 in the store but were having a deal online for it for about $60. So Allen convinced me to get it. I still feel awful about spending money on a phone, but I am really excited to have a fun phone for a good price. The only thing that sucks is that my sister in law has this exact same phone. So sorry Maria that I got the same phone as you. I hope you dont mind! :( The phone wont come in for a couple days so I don't currently have a phone. I am going to borrow one of Katie's old phones though until mine comes in so that I wont be without a phone. I just feel like this far along in my pregnancy I need to have my phone on me at all times in case of an emergency. I need to be able to call Allen or my family if there is something wrong or I go into labor for some odd reason. So yay for getting a new phone! :)

One of my friends is in labor right now.  I am so excited for her to have her little son.  I can't even imagine what it is like for her and her husband right now.  I am so happy for you Chelsea and I can hardly wait to hear all about it!

I set up our travel system last night and I just cant stop starring at it.  I love it so much and it is so fun to see all these fun things for our baby.  I will post pics soon of it!  


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