Wednesday, March 25, 2009

39 weeks

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So today my baby hit 39 weeks! WOOHOO! I had a doctors appointment this morning and Allen was able to come to it...that was wonderful. They checked my cervix and I am still 70% efaced and dilated to a 1. So still no more progress, but he said that it is wonderful that I am at that point because most first mom's aren't. So yeah I guess thats pretty cool. Now about my due date...originally I was told that it was April 3rd, then I was told April 1st. A couple months ago I called them to see which one of the two it really was and they said the 2nd. What the heck? So I decided to just stick with the 1st because I liked it better! :) HAHAHA! Well everytime I say I am due on the 1st Allen has to correct it to the 2nd. Today at the doctors office the doctor asked when my due date was and I said they have told me the 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd so I didn't know. I told him I liked the 1st better and he smiled and said, okay then thats your due date! SO HA ALLEN ITS THE FIRST! HAHAHAHAHA! I talked with the doctor about when I can be induced because I really dont want to be in the hospital for Easter. I go into my next appointment on the 2nd and if I am dilated to a 3 then I can leave with an induction date. If my body hasn't dilated to a 3 at that point, then they will see me a few days after that and check me again and at that point I can be induced starting my 41 week mark which puts me at the 8th. I am praying and hoping that my body can dilate enough by next week so that I can have him between the 2nd and the 8th so he can be home for Easter...otherwise it looks like the baby and I will most likly be in the hospital for Easter. BUMMER!


  1. Start walking....and walking...and walking. Go to the mall or something...and walk and walk and walk. :)

  2. i know the last thing on your mind right now is sex but sex and walking will help out so much. plus sex will help reduce the amount of pressure you are feeling. so try really hard to walk every day and try the sex thing...i promise it helps!

  3. I'm with Kendra, walk and lots and lots of sex! Also, I think we need a new pregnant pictures.....

    Oh and curbing will give you contractions and fast! You walk with one foot on the curb and one foot off the curb. It can make you really sore and tired, but I got contractions within minutes of starting.

  4. Man, jealous! I didn't dilate at all until I was induced 3 days AFTER my due date! Way to go Whitney! haha. And nothing I tried helped me go into labor. lol. Kristie was just too comfortable. I tried curbing for two days straight and just got really sore. =)


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