We all were supposed to go down to California in 2 weeks for one of Allen's friends wedding...but now only Allen is going. It would have cost about 300 in gas to get there and back...so it wasn't reasonable. So now Allen is just driving down with his family after Riley's blessing and then flying back. So instead of spending 300 it will cost 85. I am pretty bummed that I don't get to go. It will be hard to be alone for a few days and I was really looking forward to our trip to Cali and to go see my Grandparents. Bummer! Riley is talking so much now (well cooing and stuff since babies don't talk yet). He knows when his mom and dad are talking to him because he smiles real big and gets so excited. He especially loves his dad! It is sad to know he isn't a newborn anymore...but it is fun to see him getting personality. He is being blessed on the 7th...which is the day he is 2 months old. He sleeps in his own crib and sleeps from about 10:30 at night until about 9:30. I am so glad to have such an amazing sleeper. He sure likes to play and he loves to be held. Well not much else is going on. I am lame. Well here is a few pictures. Sorry they are really grainy. I was trying to get him to smile, but he wouldn't smile big at the time...only a small smile.

He also sits in his bumbo chair now. So cute!

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