Babies love to be swaddled. They like feeling secure and bundled. Now why is it that my baby hates it? The answer my friends is that he just loves his hands too much. When he was first born he loved being swaddled but now he hates it. He always wants to be held and feel your body against his. You would think that he would love being swaddled since he likes being snuggled...but he likes being held, but free to kick and punch his hands around. If I swaddle him he will move and do everything he can to get his arms out of it. I have even tried swaddling him with his hands out of it, but then it just results in him pushing the blanket down off of him. He loves his hands. They are always by his face. This is how my cute baby likes to sleep! I am not a bad mom for not swaddling him, he just likes it this way!

(doesn't he just have the most perfect face? cutest little boy around!)
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