What a wonderful day today is. It just keeps getting better and better...
Allen and I were upset with eachother a few days ago. It was so awful. I hate fighting more than anything. After a long talk we worked things out. Ever since we worked it out a couple nights ago I have been so happy. I just can't stop smiling. I just love him so much. After this fight, I feel closer to him than I have in a long time. Nobody is perfect, but I appreciate the little things he does for me. Being married is so wonderful. I love to have my best friend by me all the time. I love that we have a little boy who brings us so great joy. We just look at him and smile. Sometimes he gets difficult (like yesterday). Yesterday I felt like sticking him out on the curb with a "FREE" sign around his neck. Not really...but you get the point... That doesn't happen often because he is such a WONDERFUL baby. He sleeps an average of 10-12 hours at night. He takes naps during the day. He smiles ALL day long. He loves to play...and he is so content being alone a lot. I can leave him alone and he will just look around and kick his legs and stay so occupied. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful baby!
Today I just feel so good. I got up and checked my stuff on the internet. Then when it hit 12 I put Riley down for a nap and started getting stuff done around the house. I opened up the door to get some sunshine in and turned on some music. I cleaned up the kitchen, scrubbed the bathtub, started prepping stuff for dinner, did laundry. I just feel so happy and so good. I love listening to the music and cleaning up and feeling the breeze through the door. Oh how wonderful life is. After doing some stuff I decided to take a quick break and sit on the couch for a minute (hence why I am blogging :) ). I was reading the blogs that have updated and I am so grateful for the things I read. There were 3 blogs that stuck out to me....
1. One was talking about how she was outside her house doing some planting and 2 little boys came up to her and asked her if they could help her. She asked if they were boy scouts and they said no...and she said no she didn't need any help. After asking again if they could help her because they were bored, she ended up saying they could weed a garden bed if they wanted. They hopped off their bikes and started weeding. She ended up giving them a couple dollars and some banana bread that she had just made.
**How wonderful is it to know that there are kids out there that are raised correctly. Raised to keep an eye out for people to help. Instead of playing, they were serving people. There are not very many children out there anymore like that....and I hope that my children are raised correctly.
2. Another was just looking back on the past year and talking about how grateful she was for things this past year. How only a year ago she was dating a guy and not doing much...and now a year later she is happily married, they have great jobs, and a dog. How she loves them both so much and how she is so grateful for how things have turned out in her life.
**This made me think about how wonderful life is and what I was at a year ago. Allen and I were engaged and about to get married in a few days...how I had no idea how my life was about to change. Now a year later I am still so happily married, I have a beautiful baby boy, Allen is working hard and going to school, and I am a stay at home mom. I love how my life is!
3. The last one was a girl who has a special story. She was dating a boy and got pregnant. They now live together and their daughter is just turning 1 and they are getting married in 22 days. She talked about how grateful she was for her fiance. She talked about how the other day he came home from a 10 1/2 hour shift and she had dinner ready for him. They talked and laughed through dinner and he got up and did the dishes...how she was so grateful that after such a long shift that he wanted to help her. Then she told him to go shower and she would sweep and vacuum...and he said no that she could sweep and that he would vacuum. She told him to just put their daughter in her bouncer and he said that he wanted to hold her and vacuum with her. She also talked about that even when they are in a fight, that when they get in bed at night he will still cuddle up next to her and tell her how much he loves her.
**HOW SWEET! I ABOUT DIED! I think that it is the most amazing/sweet thing ever that even after such a long day of work, he wanted to help her...but not only help her...but to play with his daughter at the same time as helping her. I am so happy for her...that they are finally getting married and that she is just so happy!
I am so grateful for these posts that I read. I am so grateful to know so many wonderful people who can help uplift me and make me so happy. This all got me thinking about how grateful I was for everything in my life...and the things I had to go through to get to this point. Every crappy relationship in my past has taught me so much and was necessay to get me to where I am in my life now. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason...and even though we can't see the big picture now, we will soon enough and it will all be so clear.
I love my husband, and I love my child. They are the two most important things to me in my life. I would do anything for them. I am so grateful not only for my family, but for the gospel. For the knowledge I have and the peace and comfort it gives me. I am so grateful for nature. I am grateful for the greenery I see outside my door...for the sun, and for the nice breeze. I am grateful for Allen's jobs. A lot of people are out of work, and we are blessed with 2 jobs from him that make it possible for me to stay home with my child. I am grateful for everything I have in my life. I would not have it any other way.
For those who made this such a great day, THANK YOU! Thank you for bringing such happiness into my life and making me smile. I am so grateful...