Monday, January 12, 2009

My fun craft projects and more...

Monday, January 12, 2009
I have been working on some fun craft projects lately.  I have always wanted to make tile boards and I finally did it and I think it looks great!  What do you think?

I made this one for my front room and I have another one that I am in the process of for the baby nursery. It is a picture of Christ with a little's such a cute picture. When I finish it, I will post a picture. Tile boards are so much fun to make! I have so many little craft projects I am working on. It is so wonderful because it sure is keeping me busy.

I have officially hit another major low in my pregnancy. I just grew major again and I just don't feel good about myself. I have gained so much weight and just don't want to look in the mirror anymore. I don't look or feel cute and it is so sad. I need to get some more clothes so that I can have a change. I think I am going to have to hit the mall tomorrow. I am so sick of all my clothes and it sure sucks! I am starting to get stretch marks on my belly and it is soooo depressing. I have 2 1/2 more months to go and I know they are just going to get much worse! :( How depressing! My body is really really starting to hurt and I know it is just going to get much worse. The thing that really sucks is trying to imagine the pain getting worse...I just can't comprehend it. My feet haven't started to swell yet but they hurt so bad. I now wear slippers everywhere...yes, even to work. If I wear normal shoes I am in so much pain by the end of the day. So I wear my slippers everywhere. Work is starting to get much more difficult. One of my managers makes me clean the glass doors and by the time I finish, I am in so much pain from leaning down and bending over and stuff. NOT COOL! This manager sucks and I hate when she makes me do stuff. Everyone else is so good to me and lets me just sit on a stool at the cash registers. So work is getting tougher for me.

I can't sleep at all some nights. Some nights I sleep really well and other nights sleep just doesn't exist. The other night I was struggling so much. I just sat up in my bed and started crying because I was so tired and just couldn't sleep. The baby was doing aerobics inside of me and I couldn't take it anymore. It makes it so difficult sleeping next to your husband when you cant sleep. I just lay there or sit there and he is sound asleep next to me, and I am up with the baby playing. Gosh dangit, sometimes it sucks.

This pregnancy is starting to really get to me. It constantly goes up and down and right now is a major down. It makes me so sad knowing I still have 2 1/2 months to go with this, and knowing it just gets worse. I am done now please!

Besides how my body feels and my complaining, I know that this is such a blessing. I really feel terrible complaining about the pregnancy and I should just be so happy. There are so many people around me who struggle getting pregnant. I should be enjoying every moment of this pregnancy because they would do anything to feel this pain. I really am so excited for my little boy. I just want him here now and not wait anymore. The love I already feel for my son is unbelievable. I already would do anything for him and I just want him to have the best. I am so excited to bring him home and take care of him and love him.

Not matter how excited I am to have my baby, I am more excited for Allen. Of course he isn't as excited about the pregnancy as I am because he doesn't live through it like I do. But what makes me so happy is knowing that I am giving him the greatest gift. I just want him to have his little son to hold and play with...for him to dress him and teach him. I want my son to be like his dad. Thinking about Allen holding his brand new son brings tears to my eyes. I know that Allen is going to love him so much. I know I am giving him the greatest gift, and for that I am so happy!


  1. I can completely sympathize with you on the prego matters! It does get harder during the last few weeks especially but you forget about everything the moment your son is born and life is so amazing at that moment! Hang in there! Take lots of baths! oh and ps. I wore slippers everyday too because believe it or not your feet actually grow during pregnancy, they'll go back to normal though!

  2. That looks great! I have had a tile board sitting around for about 2 1/2 years! I am now motivated to do something to it! Thanks!I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I don't have that experience under my belt yet, but I hear it gets better!

  3. did you do that?
    I want to do that.
    you are seriously another Martha Stewart! I am jealous.

  4. How the crap do you make those tile boards.


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