Monday, August 18, 2008

Moments like these...

Monday, August 18, 2008
Can I just tell you all that I love Allen so much. He is just so cute...I just want to squeeze him so hard (in a loving way of course)! I love the way that he holds me and looks at me. I love all his funny facial expressions! His spot on humor makes him who he is and I just love it so much. He lightens the mood constantly and I can always count on him to make me laugh. Sometimes I roll my eyes, but I love it so much. I love that he can handle so much at one time. He puts up with me, which is a lot to handle sometimes. I am so proud of him for applying for a lot of new jobs and signing up for school. Next week he starts classes, which is going to be so weird for me. I will have to start adjusting to him doing school work a lot and everything he has to do. I love that he supports me in my decisions and loves me unconditionally. I hope that our children have all of the wonderful characteristics that their father has. He is going to be such a wonderful dad. I love to see him interact with his niece. The way that he loves her and cares for her melts my heart...

I cant tell you all enough how much I love him! I can hardly wait to see what the future brings to us. No matter what struggles and trials we face, we can get through it. I love you so much Allen and wouldn't choose anything over you. Thank you for being you and loving me the way you do. Thank you for everything and I am looking forward to walking with you hand in hand for all eternity...


  1. This is so adorable Whitney! I'm so glad Allen makes you so happy. I wish you two the best.

  2. Oh Whitney, this is so sweet. make sure he reads it! ;) Also I need to see yous soon. It's important to my happiness.

  3. Yep! I figured it out. It's been way fun for me to mess with at work today. haha I have never been into blogging until this moment. It WAS fun seeing ya! Tell Allen hi from us too. How is the pregnancy coming along?


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