NO WAY! I do not believe it! I would post a cute picture of him on here, but my camera is packed away. We are leaving bright and early for the airport for disney world and a disney cruise to the Caribbean. So fun.
Riley at six months old...
*has 4 teeth
*has sat on his own for about a month
*is now wearing a helmet because he has such a flat head
*LOVES baby food. He's been eating it for 2 months now.
*talks up a storm
*loves his life and loves to smile
*says "Mama" like you wouldn't believe...but it sucks because I know he doesn't know that's me
*gets super excited when he see's his dad
*freaks out when he sees his food...he cannot sit still
*holds his bottle himself
*drinks out of sippy cups
*rolls across the whole room
*can find his pacifier and put it in his mouth by himself
*hardly EVER cries
*loves his toys
*already wants to play with the older kids (tries to jump off my lap to play with them)
and is by far the best baby ever. I am so blessed. Allen and I love him so much and couldn't picture our lives without him. He brings so much joy into our lives. We love you bug!
Well we are gone on our vacation until the 18th. We are so excited. This has been being planned now for 2 years, and we are leaving tomorrow. It feels so unreal. The only thing we have to pay for is to check in our luggage at the airport. All other costs are taken care of. Talk about the best family reunion EVER. Thanks Grandpa and Mom! Love ya. See you in 2 weeks guys!
(pictures of Riley in his funny helmet coming soon)