Grandma and Grandpa Richards. They are sooo cute! I hope we be like them when we are ninety like they are. They are still madly in love

Dave and Monica. Thanks for coming guys! It meant a lot. Allen and I love you both!

My new siblings, Jeff, Katie, Jon.

I love my husband!

My family. I love you guys!

My nephew Peyton at two months.

My siblings with Grandpa Tanner.

My grandpa's LOVE me :)

My niece Abby.

Allen and his best men.


My in laws.

Allen and Abby. She is the best!

Maria, Allen, Abby, Katie

My parents.

I love them, and they love eachother

My sisters, Ashlee and Carli

My LOVE LOVE LOVE my brothers. They are so stinkin' cute. Bryce, and Brandon


My inlaws. Scott, and Cheryl Bennett

The boys in Allens family. Scott, Allen, Marc, Jon, Jeff

Allen and Grandma Bennett. She is so cute!

The gang.

My and my parents.

Yay for families...
Your pictures are so cute! We're so glad we were able to come spend the most important part of your day with you guys! You guys look great and we're so happy for you, i'd love to get that picture from you of me and dave (except I wasnt aware we had a picture taken of us so I'm a little scared!) Anyways, hope everything is wonderful being SUPER new newlyweds!