Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Monday, November 1, 2010

I hope everyone had a great Halloween.  I know we did!  We had costumes planned for us, and then the last week of October we had to change I had to think quick.  The next few days were spent making a couple trips to the fabric store, desinging patterns for the costumes, and sewing all night long.  My sewing machine even broke half way through and had to call my sister in law at 10:00 at night to borrow hers.  I was so exhausted when I finally went to bed at 3:30 in the morning.

On Friday we went to Allen's work party which is always a treat.  We all wore our costumes and went trick or treating around the school and then had a cafe rio party.  Always delicious.  Then, since Halloween is on a Sunday this year, Utah makes Halloween on Saturday.  Pretty convenient! :)  So on Saturday I worked until 2:30 then came home and had pizza.  We then went trick or treating for 2 hours.  Riley was so cute!  He was such a trooper and didn't cry once.  We were so proud of him.

Riley is obsessed right now with Dr. I felt it only appropriate to dress up as Thing 1, Thing 2, and the Cat in the Hat.  He was so excited when he saw what he was dressed as.  I brought him into the bathroom and he got the biggest smile on his face when he saw himself in the mirror.  Gosh he is so cute!  I had a lot of fun making our three costumes this year, and even happier that I didn't even spend $20.  So proud!  I am already so excited for next year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Ellen and I am Amy Oppie's cousin. I love her blog design and asked her who had designed it and she pointed me to you! My husband and I are in the process of adopting and are building an adoption blog. We'd like to talk with you about designing our blog. Please contact us at We look forward to working with you!


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