Thursday, October 9, 2008

Some good and bad news...

Thursday, October 9, 2008
I met with my doctor today. We talked about what happened the other day and he is very excited that my bleeding hasn't occurred all day. He said that is a really good sign that the bleeding hasn't gotten worse. He told me that there is a really good chance that the placenta will move as it grows in size and we will just have to wait and see. Instead of having our 20 week ultrasound where we were supposed to find out the sex of the baby, we are having it in 3 weeks (at 18 weeks along). During that ultrasound we will be able to see if my placenta has moved up and see if the baby is still ahead of schedule. The hospital said he is growing ahead so we will see how the progress is in 3 weeks. He checked the heart beat and he said that the babies heart beat is still very strong, which is also a good sign! :) So the good news is that the doctor is happy with the bleeding not occurring, the baby is still fine, and that he has high hopes that the placenta will move. Here comes the waiting game to see... :(

Now for the bad news...I cannot lift or do ANYTHING whatsoever for at least a week. If I do anything at all besides stay laying down, the bleeding could happen again and could cause some problems. After a week, I can do VERY minimal activity. He said I could leave the house after a week but still cant lift anything and cant be on my feet for very long. I cannot go to work at Roberts for a good 3 weeks because it is considered too strenuous on my body still. I am sure Roberts will just fill the position with someone else because thats a long time away. As for my job at The Pizza Factory, the doctor said that it would not be good for my situation to continue waitressing. There is too much walking and carrying things and it could cause harm to myself and my baby. So my waitressing days look to be over for now. I am hoping to be able to pick up shifts every once in awhile though once the baby comes so that we can get some extra income. I am really bummed because it looks like I am now going to be unemployed. I sure don't know what Allen and I are going to do, but I know the Lord will bless us. We are supposed to bring this blessed boy into this world and I know we will be blessed through our struggles. So I am on bed rest for at least three weeks, and at that point we will see if it has progressed.

So that is the update. Our baby boy is still healthy and we will know more in 3 weeks...until then, I will be BORED stiff at home. KILL ME NOW! :)


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